economic crop Soyabean

It is native of South Asia, since many years, soyabean is being grown in India. Yet, only a few farmers grow it. The area under this crop is growing due to the demand of edible oil. The soyabean can be grown in drier areas of the country where the rain fall is 35 inches or less. It can be grown at elevations up to 6,000 feet above sea level, especially in Assam, Orissa, West Bengal, Manipur, the Khasi and Naga hills and the Kumaon hills of Uttar Pradesh. Now a days many varieties of genetically modified verities of soyabean are growing all over the world and are resistant to glyphosate.


Soyabean is very good food. The bean has a high oil content, and the kernel is rich in proteins. It is also contains important minerals; more of calcium and phosphorus than any other cereal, more than even peas and beans. It is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins.

  1. soyabean oil can been used as cooking, oil cake is used as cattle feed.
  2. soyabean flour or cooked bean is very good for diabetic patients.
  3. Green pods and mature soyabean grains are a richer food than peas and beans.
  4. Chapatis can be prepared with one part of soyabean flour mixed with four of wheat flour.
  5. Tasty biscuits and cakes can also be prepared from the flour.
  6. soya sauce and soya sticks also prepared from soyabean.

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