Importance of water to plants

Water plays important role in the life of plants. It is essential for various metabolic activities of plant. Fallowing are the some importance of water to plant.

1. Water is an universal solvent. It act as a reagent in various chemical reactions in plant cells. 

2. Water is the main constituent of the protoplasm, constitutes about 90-95 percent of total weight. In the absence of water, protoplasm becomes inactive and even killed.

3. In the absence of water, different organic constituents of protoplasm such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes, acids etc., loose their physical and chemical properties.

4. Interconversion of carbohydrates, organic acid requires the direct participation of water.

5. Water helps in photosynthesis, respiration, growth, germination of seeds and many other metabolic processes. During germination of seeds, water helps in breakdown of stored complex food substances into simpler constituents.

6. Water present in the vacuole help in maintaining turgidity of cells. The turgid cells keep the plants turgid and help in growth.

7. Water is very important in transpiration and that is in turn responsible for ascent of water and absorption of water from soil.

8. Plants develop adaptations to balance the water content.

9. Temperature of the plant will be maintained by water, and provide cooling effect to the plant by transpiration.

10. Water helps in pollination, transfer of solutes, transfer of gametes, spore dehiscence, and provide support to water plants.

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