Economically important plants

Colchicum autumnale: The corms yield an alkaloids called colchicine, used as carminative and laxative. t is used as a laboratory reagent and as a spindle arrester in inducing polyploidy.

Gloriosa superba(Morning glory): It is a garden plant which produces large which produces large showy flowers and leaves produce tendrils at the leaf tip. Used as an ornamental plant.

Dracaena spicata (Dragon tree) and Yucca filamentosa (Adam's needle): These are ornamental plants and stems with anomalous secondary growth. Dracaena yields a resinous juice popularly called " dragon's blood" and leaves of Yacca yield thick fibers mostly used in the manufacture of brushes.

Allium cepa(Onion): The bulbs and leaves are used as vegetable and spice. Raw onion is useful in constipation, diarrhea, cholera as diuretic and stimulant.

Allium sativum(Garlic): It is used as a condiment particularly in fish and meat preparations. The bulbs have medicinal value, have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It has a chemical that can reduce the blood cholesterol level and protects the consumers cardiovascular diseases. It is digestive and carminative.

Aloe vera (Indian aloe): It is a medicinal plant with thick fleshy leaves. Aloin is an important drug obtained from the leaves, used as purgative and in the treatment of diseases of children.

Smilax zeylanica (Sarsaparilla): A drug called sarsaparilla obtained from the dried roots is used as a blood purifier, used in curving veneral and skin diseases.

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