Parenchyma tissue

Parenchyma is a living fundamental tissue occur in almost all part of the plant body. It is generally called storage tissue due to storing of food and water in the plant. Parenchyma is made up of group of parenchyma cells where the cells are oval, spherical, isodiametric in shape. The cells are loosely arranged with intercellular space. The parenchyma cells have thin cell wall containing cellulose. The protoplasm of the cell containing central large vacuole and cytoplasm and nucleus present towards periphery. Parenchyma occur in almost all part of the plant body like epidermis, cortex of root and stem, pith, pericycle, endodermis and fleshy pulpy part of the fruit. It also occur in mesophyll cells of the leaves. In mesophyll cells it is made up of columnar shaped cells, compactly arranged with large amount of chloroplast such parenchyma is called chlorenchyma help in photosynthesis. In aquatic plant the parenchyma cells are irregular in shape with air they are called Aerenchyma help in bouncy.

Functions of parenchyma

Storage of food
Chlorenchyma help in photosynthesis.
Aerenchyma help in bouncy.
Parenchyma can dedifferentiate and become secondary meristem during secondary growth. 
Parenchyma regenerate the injured part of the plant body.

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