Control measures to reduce global warming

There are many simple measures that one can adopt to reduce global warming.
1. Construction of greenhouses: Greenhouses can be constructed to grow plants, especially in winter. These work by trapping heat from the sun. The glass panels of the green house let's in light and keeps the heat from escaping. This causes the green houses to heat and keep the plants warm enough to live in water.

2. Reforestation: Trees need to be replaced when they are cut as they absorb carbon dioxide(a green house gas) thereby reducing its content in the atmosphere.

3. Reduction in the use of fossil fuels: The reduction in the use of fossil fuels should be undertaken by manufacturing automobile that burn less gas and generate electricity from non polluting sources. This will considerably reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced. Hybrid gas electric engines can cut global warming pollution by one-third or more. 

4. Use of natural resources: The use of natural renewable resources like wind and sun should be increased e.g., solar energy could be used to heat water and to make electricity. Infant today, several houses in India take advantage of solar energy by installing solar heater. The decade old, coal-burning power plants also need to be replaced with cleaner plants.

5. Use of recycled products: The use of recycled products conserve energy. Since, recycled products are made out of things that have been used, it requires less energy to remake than to make new one. So we need to fallow the RRR(Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) mantra.

6. Conserve and Improve energy efficiency: Conserving energy should be a part of one's daily life like switching off lights when one leaves a room altogether. Having energy efficient lighting(LED), heating and air conditioning could keep millions of tons of carbon dioxide out of air each year.  Our cars and light trucks, home appliances and power plants could be made much more efficient by simply installing the best current technology. Conserve energy by carpooling e.g., four people can ride together in a single car, instead of driving four cars to work. Energy efficiency is the cleanest, safest, most economical way to begin to curb global warming.

7. Eliminating the use of CFC's: It is something we can actually do. Chlorofluorocarbon(CFCs) are compounds containing carbon, chlorine, fluorine and hydrogen. They are used as refrigerants, propellants, solvents etc. These when released to the air, add to the greenhouse gases. Hence, if alternatives are used, carbon dioxide pollution could be reduced by nearly a ton in total.
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