Scope of Cell Biology

Scope of cell biology:

Cell biology has a number of applications.  A few are given below

  1. Taxonomy: Each species has a constant number of chromosomes. This helps the taxonomists to classify plants and animals. This branch is called cytotaxonomy.
  2. Ecology: The structure and number of chromosomes are closely associated with the geographical distribution and ecological habitat of animals. Hence cytological characteristics are used in auto ecological studios of species.
  3. Evolution: The present day animals and plants came into existence by evolution. Evolutionary changes took their origin from the changes of hereditary units located inside the cells.
  4. Physiology: The physiological activities of animals and plants are the sum total of the activities of animals and plants are the sum total of the activities of the cells. Hence the physiology of the cells gives fine details about physiology of plants and animals.
  5. Pathology: Every disease is initiated from the cells and thus the diagnosis of diseases  requires the study of cell biology. example: Testing of blood, stool, septum, etc. for the presence of microbes.
  6. Cell culture: The advanced in cell biology are reflected in the form of cell culture. In cell culture, the plant cells are reared into plants. The animal cells are cultured to produce vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, etc.
  7. Genetic engineering: In genetic engineering, hybrid DNA's are produced. This involves in the genetic manipulation of cells. 
  8. Biotechnology: Biotechnology is a scientific art of using bacteria, viruses and other organisms to produce valuable products, such as bio gas, alcohol, antibodies, hormones, etc.
  9. Tissue Transplantation: Transplantation of tissues and organs requires knowledge on the basic cellular characteristics.
  10. Molecular Biology: Molecular biology deals with the molecules of life. The various functions of organism are the outcome of the molecular transformation in their cells. Molecular biology serves as a basis for cell biology to explain the following aspects of life. i) Structural organisation of DNA, RNA, Proteins and hormones.  ii) Replication of DNA iii) Protein synthesis iv) Regulation of gene expression. 

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