Downy mildew of Bajra and Grain smut of Sorghum

Downy mildew of Bajra

Disease name: Downy mildew of Bajra

Causal organism/Pathogen: Sclerospora graminicola

Host: Pennisetum glaucum 


  1. Downy mildew of bajra is fungal disease.
  2. Two stages of the symptoms of the disease have been recorded. Downy mildew stages prominent on the leaves and the green ear stage affecting the inflorescence.
  3. The whole part of the inflorescence is transformed into twisted leafy structure
  4. This imparts the ear appearance of green leaf mass so it is called green ear.
Downy mildew of bajra

Green ear/ Downy mildew of bajra is very destructive disease of pear/ millet in asia and Africa. The disease is soil borne in nature and caused by a fungus Sclerspora graminicola.

Control measures
The seeds should be treated with Agrosan, Thiran etc. and Hot water at 55 degree Celsius for 10 min before sowing. 
Cultivating resistant varieties like HB-1, HB-5,PHB-10,PHB-1.

 Grain smut of Sorghum
Disease name: Grain smut of sorghum
Causal organism/pathogen: Sphacelotheca sorghii
Host: Sorghum bicolor

  1. The grain smut of sorghum is a fungal disease 
  2. The individual grains are replaced by smut sori. the sori are oval, cylindrical and are covered with a tough creamy skin which after persist unbroken of to threshing.
  3. The fungus attacks the ovary and all the ovaries in the head are turned into sori of the smut. The normal grain is thus replaced by an ovul or cylindrical dirty grey sac with a slightly conical tip.
Grain smut of sorghum

Spores are germinated and produce primary pathogen medium moisture and 25 degree Celsius temperature is needed for infection. Teliospores released after rupturing the sorus wall around peridium.

Control Measures
Treating the seeds with sulfur dust(before sowing) steeping the grains in 2% copper sulfate solution for 15 minute. Thiran and copper carbonate is 2-5 g/kg.

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