Leaf curl of papaya and Banana bunchy top disease

Leaf curl of papaya

Disease name: Leaf curl of papaya 

Causal organism: Papaya Leaf Curl Virus(PLCV)

Host: Carica papaya

Leaf Curl of Papaya


  1. Leaf curl of papaya is a viral disease 
  2. The most prominent symptoms are the rolling of the leaves downward and inward in the form of an inverted cup and the thickening of veins.
  3. In advance stages of the disease, defoliation takes place and the growth of the plant is arrested.
  4. Leaves become leathery. brittle and distorted. Affected plants does not produce flowers and fruits.
Etiology: Vector silver leaf white fly(Bemicia tobaci) infected seeds, seedlings and grafting materials are the vectors.

Control measures:

  1. Avoid growing alternative hosts such as tomato and tobacco near papaya.
  2. Spray insecticide for vector control
  3. by using disease resistant varieties.

Bunchy top of Banana

Disease name: Bunchy top of Banana

Causal organism: Banana Bunchy Top Virus/Banana Virus I

Host: Banana/Musa paradisiaca

Banana Buchy Top Disease


  1. Banana bunchy top is a viral disease caused by a single stranded DNA virus called the Banana Bunchy Top Virus(BBTV). 
  2. One of the most distinctive symptoms is morse code streaking, where the infected cell die and and are lighter in color, causing irregular spots and dashes on the leaves.
  3. In infected plant leaves become bunched together at the top of pseudostem to form rosette appearance.

The virus is trasmitted by the aphid vector called Pentalonia nigro nervosa. In the infected plant the viruses are present in all the parts including the rhizomes and the suckers, the aphid usually attacks the host plant around. The basal portion of the pseudostem. The remains viruliferous for thirteen days after the acquisition of virus.

Control Measures

  1. Burning of diseased plants, destroying all volunteer banana plants, the aphid vector is killed by kerosine.
  2. Herbicide agrokone is injected into the diseased plant to kill the virus particles, use disease free suckers.


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